Just as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture can be used to relieve stress in our bodies, Urban Acupuncture is a social/environmental theory that uses urban design and small scale interventions to transform and relieve stress in the city. Inspired by Improv Anywhere, …
Dixit, Dominoes & Dominion at Drexoll Games
Drexoll Games is a game store with more. Not only do they carry over 1,000 board games but they host weekly gaming events open to the public. The Friday night Board Game Night is one of those events, and it sees …
Welcoming New Neighbours
Since February of this year, new residents have been moving into the Biltmore Hotel through a program sponsored by Rain City Housing. Headed by Natalie Porter, several neighbours in the area came together over several months to plan a welcome party …
Another Great Day in Vancouver
Contributed by Joe Erpenbeck Eddie is known by many for his charm and outgoing personality. He is extremely friendly and can often be heard saying things like “Hello Beautiful!” and “Let’s talk for a minute” to people he meets throughout …
100 in 1 Day
What if hundreds of people united, all on the same day, each putting in place the changes they wish to see in their city? On Saturday, June 7, 2014 for the first time ever, Vancouver will host 100 in 1 …
Take a Seat – Make a Friend?
If you’re on Facebook, you’re probably no stranger to the ‘Take a Seat – Make a Friend?’ Youtube video that went viral. The makers of the video conducted a social experiment which consisted of a coloured ball pit, a sign …