Community Asset Mapping

MikeConnect with us

Community: central to the work that we do at Building Caring Communities (BCC)!  We whole-heartedly believe that as communities realize and celebrate their strengths and resources, they become more welcoming, self-sufficient and empowered to address issues that lead to an …

The Importance of Community

MikeConnect with us

Originally published on the Greater Vancouver Food Bank website: What is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)? This was a question that we first came across in March 2014 on meeting the team at Building Caring Communities.  It sparked the beginning of a new …

Breaking out of Her Shell


“I have a whole new perspective of me. I’ve been feeling good about myself because I know there are a lot of things I can do. I’ve overcome a hurdle.”  – Rachelle Smith Contributed by: Katherine Allen A year ago …